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Wee Joker is a Rare Joker that provides additional Chips to all hands played. It is a scaling Chip Joker, which permanently gains +8 Chips whenever a played 2 is scored. If the scored 2 is retriggered, either by a Joker effect or its own Red Seal, Wee Joker will upgrade again. This makes it one of the fastest-scaling Jokers in the entire game; assuming it is the first Joker acquired after the Ante 1 Small Blind, and on average, a couple of 2s are scored each round, it will reach +368 Chips by the Finisher Blind, which beats out even Stuntman Stuntman. A fully synergistic strategy with multiplied numbers of 2s and retriggers can let it reach +1000 Chips or more.

As its value only increases in the later Antes as the player becomes more capable of playing strong hands like Four of a Kind and Five of a Kind, Wee Joker is worth taking in almost any scenario in the absence of another Chip Joker - save for if some 2s were already removed from the Deck by some other means. Oftentimes, it is actually better to remove 7s and 6s first (unless playing a Straight build), as they have the least synergy with other Jokers of all the Card Ranks.

This Joker cannot receive the Perishable sticker.



Wee Joker synergizes well with all Decks fairly equally, but some have minor advantages over the others.

  • Plasma Deck Plasma Deck: In the non-Endless Antes, several sources of Chips are essential to long-term progression, as they can more easily reach higher numbers than Additive and Multiplicative Mult when the 'balancing' feature is accounted for.
  • Magic Deck Magic Deck: By using the starting copies of The Fool to create more copies of Death, Strength, and even The Hanged Man, it can not only make 2s easier to find, but more numerous in quantity, enabling far stronger hands like Five of a Kind and possibly Flush Five.
  • Abandoned Deck Abandoned Deck: 2s are much easier to find thanks to the absence of face cards, making this Joker scale proportionally faster.
  • Red Deck Red Deck: The +1 discard bonus makes it easier to find and score 2s, which is especially important in the early game.
  • Painted Deck Painted Deck: This Deck's +2 hand size also makes it slightly easier to find larger quantities of 2s, and also makes stronger hands in the early game like Four of a Kind more realistic, even with minimal Deck fixing.
  • Ghost Deck Ghost Deck: This Deck makes finding certain key Spectral Cards, like Cryptid, Deja Vu, and Immolate slightly easier, but is overall less consistent for Deck manipulation than the Magic Deck, so it is less favorable to Wee Joker specifically (which does not necessarily need a boost from the starting Hex, either, due to its already high power).

Poker Hands[]

Hands that score large quantities of 2s are preferable to other hands. Focus on these in the early game:

As Deck manipulation access becomes more realistic, pivot to these hands (the final two are the most ideal, as they allow five 2s to score all at once):


  • Any retrigger Jokers work incredibly well with Wee Joker, as rescoring a 2 upgrades Wee Joker another time. In particular, Hack Hack offers unconditional retriggers to 2s, making it very helpful, with one copy providing up to an extra +40 Chips on a hand with five scoring 2s. Hanging Chad Hanging Chad is also useful in the early game, guaranteeing +16 Chips if a 2 can be scored.
  • Multiplicative Mult-based strategies can incorporate this Joker rather well, thanks to them oftentimes overlooking Chip sources. A large amount of Chips can score far higher than Multiplicative Mult earlier on (as is the case with Jokers like Ice Cream Ice Cream). Hologram Hologram is one of the easiest to benefit from, which scales when cards are added to the Deck, including 2s. Glass Joker Glass Joker can also be great when combined with Glass 2s and a source of retriggers, but caution must be taken to replenish any 2s that are destroyed.
  • Drunkard Drunkard and Merry Andy Merry Andy: The extra discards provided by these Jokers make finding and scoring 2s much easier. With a bit of Deck fixing, one can also potentially seek out Burnt Joker Burnt Joker to consistently scale very strong hands like Five of a Kind.
  • Even Steven Even Steven and Fibonacci Fibonacci: Giving +4 Mult and +8 Mult, respectively, whenever a 2 is scored, either of these can make playing large quantities of 2s even more rewarding, especially when accounting for retriggers.
  • Trading Card Trading Card: A source of both value and Deck thinning, which helps this Joker by making 2s proportionally more common, and making acquiring better scoring easier, as the run progresses.
  • Ancient Joker Ancient Joker: Can be potentially useful if there are a large number of Wild 2s, as this enables the extremely powerful Flush Five - a hand that can guide a run far into Endless Mode in combination with repeated Multiplicative Mult sources and Planet Card scaling through access to Eris. Bloodstone Bloodstone can be considered in its absence by creating a large number of 2s of Heart suit icon Hearts, albeit its randomness factor makes it a lot less reliable.
  • DNA DNA: By duplicating 2s, especially 2s with a Red Seal, this Joker can scale exponentially faster, making it a near auto-include when discovered while holding this Joker, even if just temporarily.


  • Hieroglyph is easily the best acquaintance to this Joker of all the Vouchers; climbing down an Ante gives more opportunity to score 2s and propel Wee Joker to absurd levels of Chips. Its upgraded counterpart, Petroglyph, may be worth consideration if the player has access to extra discards (such as through the Red Deck Red Deck or Drunkard Drunkard), but it is much less justifiable on the higher Stakes.
  • Wasteful, as well as its upgraded counterpart Recyclomancy, are very close runners-up to the aforementioned Voucher. As scoring non-2s is less ideal, discards are preferable to extra hands in order to locate 2s.
  • Telescope is a very good pickup, as it allows for much easier acquisition of powerful Planet Cards like Planet X later in the run. The Nebula Deck Nebula Deck is not a great way to get it, however, as the -1 consumable slot malus can make it harder to fix The Shop and Booster Packs to include more desirable Tarot and Spectral Cards.
  • The Crystal Ball Voucher is a good pickup, too, since it allows the player to hold onto an extra unwanted Tarot Card, thereby making the best ones for Wee Joker more likely to appear.


  • The card art is identical to the default Joker Joker, but scaled down to a smaller size. This also makes all Joker Stickers appear at a scaled-down size on the card itself.
  • This Joker's abnormal size makes it easy to distinguish from other face-down Jokers when facing against the Amber Acorn Finisher Blind. It shares this distinction with Half Joker Half Joker, Photograph Photograph, and Square Joker Square Joker.

Update History[]

  • Effect
    • Starts at +10 Chips -> starts at +0 Chips

In other languages[]

Language Name Notes
Chinese (Simplified) 小小丑
Chinese (Traditional) 小小丑
Dutch Mini-joker
French P'tit joker
German Winziger Joker
Indonesian Wee Joker
Italian Jolly piccolo
Japanese ウィージョーカー
Korean 아주 작은 조커
Polish Maleńki Joker
Portuguese (Brazilian) Curinguinha
Russian Трусливый джокер
Spanish (Spain) Comodín pequeño
Spanish (Latin America) Comodín pequeño
